Josef Liesler



  • Josef Liesler



    No.: 268702

    Auction price: 8.000 CZK (334 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 23. 01. 2023 13:44

    akvarel, tuš, papír, 1948, 42 x 30 cm, sign. LD Liesler 48, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. C. Bouda, O. Blazicek, member of The Royal Belgian Academy, The Manes Association of Fine Artists and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of the group Sedm v rijnu

    Current price: 8.000 CZK (334 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**4 History of bids

  • Josef Liesler


    Dívka s míčem

    No.: 249630

    Auction price: 120 CZK (5 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 10. 01. 2023 20:40

    litografie, 1979, 17,5 x 9,7 cm, sign. DU Liesler 79, Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. C. Bouda, O. Blazicek, member of The Royal Belgian Academy, The Manes Association of Fine Artists and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of the group Sedm v rijnu

    Current price: 120 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**4 History of bids

  • Josef Liesler


    Mušličková Madona

    No.: 249633

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 15. 11. 2022 20:56

    litografie, 1986, 16,6 x 8,3 cm, sign. DU Liesler 86, Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. C. Bouda, O. Blazicek, member of The Royal Belgian Academy, The Manes Association of Fine Artists and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of the group Sedm v rijnu

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID8**1 History of bids



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