Karel Oberthor



  • Karel Oberthor


    Pranostika - srpen

    No.: 273725

    Auction price: 2.500 CZK (105 €)

    Planned termination: 12. 08. 2024 18:10

    painting on a wooden board, 60 x 14,5 cm, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 2.500 CZK (105 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor


    Jízda kočárem

    No.: 261283

    Auction price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Planned termination: 15. 08. 2024 19:08

    litografie, 36,2 x 29,3 cm, sign. DU K. Oberthor, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor


    Klaun s houslemi

    No.: 234386

    Auction price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Planned termination: 15. 08. 2024 19:09

    litografie, 40 x 28 cm, značeno DU autorským razítkem, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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