Herbert Kisza



  • Herbert Kisza



    No.: 282388

    Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 08. 2024 14:46

    lept, 1995, 10,3 x 6,7 cm, sign. PD H. Kisza 95, č. 2/50, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. Zemina and Fisarek

    Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Herbert Kisza



    No.: 282389

    Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 08. 2024 14:48

    lept, 1987, 9,7 x 9,8 cm, sign. PD H. Kisza 87, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. Zemina and Fisarek

    Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Herbert Kisza


    Hrad na skále

    No.: 282390

    Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 08. 2024 14:50

    lept, 1979, 11,3 x 8,9 cm, sign. PD H. Kisza 79, autorský tisk, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. Zemina and Fisarek

    Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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