Karel Svolinský
No.: 307Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 11. 2024 20:37
dřevoryt, 8 x 7 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Associat…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 306Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 11. 2024 20:36
dřevoryt, 9,5 x 6,8 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Asso…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Profil dívky
No.: 305Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 11. 2024 20:35
dřevoryt, 7 x 4 cm, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artists
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Jakubův zápas s andělem
No.: 543Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 23. 02. 2024 12:34
litografie, 1970, 44,5 x 29,5 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský 70, na zadní straně popsáno autorem, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of C…
Current price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**2 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Madona s ježíškem
No.: 85Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 01. 2023 15:41
kamenorytina, 24 x 18 cm, značeno na kameni K. Svolinský, při levém okraji mírně pokrčený papír, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member o…
Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)
Last auctioneer: ID5**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Dívka na louce
No.: 678Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 09. 12. 2022 11:20
tuš, akvarel, papír, 1946, 22 x 29,8 cm, sign. LD K. Svolinský1946, rám, na rámu drobné oděrky, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech…
Current price: 1.700 CZK (71 €)
Last auctioneer: ID8**0 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
K. Bednář: Procházky v zrcadlovém bludišti
No.: 312Auction price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 2x sign. suchá jehla, úprava a podpis v titulu i tiráži K. Svolinský, suché jehly tiskl P. Dřímal, 3. sv. ed. Inedicta, vydal Klub přátel výtvarných umění, Gottwaldov 1974, volné listy v deskách, ex. 3/60, ruční papír, velmi dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of …
Current price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)
Last auctioneer: ID6**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Korespondence s Dr. Ivanem Hrdinou
No.: 387Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
dopis, pohlednice, 8x rukopisné psaní Dr. Ivanovi Hrdinovi, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artis…
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID1**1 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Jaroslav Seifert: Tři romance o víně
No.: 239Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie se čtyřmi původními suchými jehlami, 19 x 12 cm, 60/200, Vytiskl V. Bujárek, Praha 1956, druhý svazek edice Kamej, 56 str. Tištěno na chamois ručním velínu. 4 suché jehly a ilustrace K. Svolinský. S podpisy autora a ilustrátora v tiráži. Volné dvoulisty v pův. pap. obálce., Provenance: A…
Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Karel Svolinský
No.: 407Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
podpis, 24 x 20 cm, podpis na papíře s vyobrazením autora, volný list, dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graph…
Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)
Last auctioneer: ID5**8 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Girl with rose
No.: 19185Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
01. 05. 2015 13:52lithography, 28 x 20 cm, sign. RD KSvolinský, No. 127/200, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artist…
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: ID1**4 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 282186Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 29. 08. 2024 17:02
tisk, papír, 1964, 11 x 11 cm, monogr. PD KS 64, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes As…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 282183Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 29. 08. 2024 16:56
tisk, papír, 1964, 15,5 x 9,5 cm, monogr. PD KS 64, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Masopustní masky
No.: 282182Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 29. 08. 2024 16:54
tisk, papír, 1964, 18,5 x 11 cm, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association of Fin…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Tajemný hrad
No.: 282180Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 29. 08. 2024 16:50
tisk, papír, 1964, 17,5 x 10,5 cm, monogr. PD KS 64, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Mane…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 282179Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 30. 07. 2024 14:38
tisk, papír, 1964, 15 x 8,5 cm, sign. PD KSvolinský 64, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The M…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID1**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Exlibris; Dívka; Zátiší
No.: 278825Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 05. 2024 14:18
3x dřevoryt, 10,9 x 8,7; 9,8 x 6; 10,2 x 7 cm, 2x sign. PD KSvolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, …
Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)
Last auctioneer: ID8**7 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 280887Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 02. 2024 10:48
dřevoryt, 1957, 7 x 13 cm, sign. PD KSvolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Ass…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
No.: 280898Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 02. 2024 10:47
litografie, 7 x 5 cm, sign. DU Ksvolinský, rám, č. 84/100, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of Th…
Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Profil dívky v kroji
No.: 280688Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 15. 02. 2024 15:06
3x zinkografie, 6 x 6,7; 9 x 6,3 cm, 2x sign. PD a DU KSvolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, membe…
Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Dívka v běhu
No.: 278827Auction price: 350 CZK (15 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 26. 10. 2023 14:48
litografie, 1943, 21 x 14,2 cm, sign. PD KSvolinský, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Mane…
Current price: 350 CZK (15 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Ženská bysta
No.: 278341Auction price: 600 CZK (25 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 17. 10. 2023 22:48
akvarel, tuš, papír, 1948, 16 x 11 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský 48, pasparta, pasparta zašlá, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Grap…
Current price: 600 CZK (25 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**7 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Žena v šátku
No.: 274462Auction price: 250 CZK (11 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 04. 05. 2023 21:58
dřevoryt, 14,8 x 11,8 cm, papír zažloutlý, u levého horního rohu lehce pokrčen, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists…
Current price: 250 CZK (11 €)
Last auctioneer: ID2**5 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Váza s kvítím a sýkorkami
No.: 274243Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 18. 04. 2023 13:33
litografie, 1938, 42,5 x 35 cm, značeno PD v tisku K. Svolinský 1938, v dolní části ořízlý papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association…
Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)
Last auctioneer: ID6**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Ženský akt z profilu
No.: 270148Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 19:08
litografie, 20,2 x 10,3 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský, mírně pokrčený papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists…
Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Křížek (Ex Libris František Lukeš)
No.: 269464Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 07. 02. 2023 22:28
litografie, 9,5 x 6 cm, pravý dolní a levý horní roh papíru pokrčené, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member o…
Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)
Last auctioneer: ID5**5 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Za závojem
No.: 267279Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 02. 2023 22:20
lept, 17,2 x 11,6 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský, lehce zažloutlý papír, v grafice prohlubeň v papíru, poškozeno, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Associa…
Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Odpolední beseda, Čert
No.: 268994Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 01. 2023 13:36
1x dřevoryt, 1x tužka, papír, 9,5 x 5,5; 17 x 11 cm, sign. PD K Svolinksý, monogr. DU KS, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The M…
Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Girl's head
No.: 268543Auction price: 5.000 CZK (209 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 23. 01. 2023 11:05
watercolor, paper, 23,5 x 18 cm, sign. lower/middle Svolinský, framed, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association o…
Current price: 5.000 CZK (209 €)
Last auctioneer: ID8**1 History of bids
Karel Svolinský
Dívka s květy ve vlasech
No.: 260062Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 15. 12. 2022 18:16
kamenorytina, 7,5 x 6,5 cm, sign. PD K. Svolinský, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Associa…
Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)
Last auctioneer: ID4**4 History of bids