Bohdan Lacina
Milostný akt, Ženský akt
No.: 771Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 09. 12. 2022 12:50
2x lept, 1978; 1975, 10,5 x 17; 15,5 x 10,5 cm, sign. PD Lacina 78, DU Lacina, č. 70/70, the member of the surrealistic group RA
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID1**1 History of bids
Bohdan Lacina
Portrét dámy
No.: 226356Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 19. 12. 2023 15:04
dřevoryt, 19,5 x 16 cm, sign. DU lacina, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the member of the surrealistic group RA
Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)
Last auctioneer: ID4**2 History of bids