Cyril Bouda
Jaromír John: Knoflík
No.: 1130Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 26. 11. 2024 13:48
sešit, podpis ve frontispisu a ilustrace C. Bouda, úprava V. Ambrosivydalo Dědictví Komenského, Praha 1932, 19 s., brož., vybledlá obálka, lehce poškozený hřbet, dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphi…
Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Ivan Goll: Nový Orfeus
No.: 877Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 26. 11. 2024 09:35
kniha, 14x9 cm, podpis v titulu, kresba a úprava Cyril Bouda, vydal A. Srdce, Praha 1921, ex. 499/500, brož., 27 s., desky zašlé , Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)
Last auctioneer: ID8**0 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Jarní ohně
No.: 1142Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 01. 12. 2023 11:18
bibliofilie, sign. lept ve frontispise C. Bouda, soukromý tisk, Praha 1928, Ex. 81/110, 29 s., brož., na obílce skvrna, velmi dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Zátiší s růží
No.: 113Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 01. 2023 12:04
litografie, 11,2 x 17,8 cm, sign. PD C. Bouda, PF Josef Hrachovec 1960, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)
Last auctioneer: ID8**4 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
No.: 214Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 01. 2023 12:03
litografie, 1975, 12 x 17 cm, značeno v desce PD CB, PF 1976, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)
Last auctioneer: ID4**9 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
PF 1945
No.: 290Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 01. 2023 11:06
tisk, podpis, 1944, 12,5 x 9,5 cm, sign. DU C. Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)
Last auctioneer: ID6**9 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Na procházce na břehu moře
No.: 38Auction price: 600 CZK (25 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 05. 01. 2023 19:09
dřevoryt, 23,7 x 16 cm, sign. PD C. Bouda, mírně zažloutlý a zašpiněný papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 600 CZK (25 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**8 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Still life with shrimp and lemon
No.: 218Auction price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
lithography, 21,8 x 27,7 cm, sign. lower/right C. Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 2.400 CZK (100 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**4 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Still life with fish and lobster
No.: 217Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
copperplate, 25,2 x 19 cm, sign. lower/right Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**3 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
A memory of Genoa
No.: 216Auction price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
etching, 1929, 25,5 x 32,5 cm, sign. lower/right C. Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
The coast at Le Havre
No.: 214Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
aquatint, 33 x 24,5 cm, sign. lower/right Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
No.: 213Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
etching, 30,5 x 23 cm, sign. lower/right Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
No.: 212Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
aquatint, 28 x 22,2 cm, sign. lower/right Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
Vltava near Kamýk
No.: 211Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 08. 12. 2022 15:00
etching, 25,3 x 31,5 cm, sign. lower/right Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
J. Kopta: Kratochvilné děje z naší vlasti
No.: 27Auction price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
kniha, originální autorova kresba s věnováním a podpisem na předtitulu, podpis Josef Kopta, il. C. Bouda, vyd. Melantrich, Praha, 1952, pův. clpl. vazba s papírovou obálkou, 452s., obálka potrhána a vyspravena lepenkou, jinak dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela an…
Current price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
F. Langer: Pražské legendy
No.: 26Auction price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
kniha, originální autorova kresba s podpisem na předtitulu, il. C. Bouda, vyd. SNDK, Praha, 1956, pův. clpl. vazba s papírovou obálkou, 99s., obálka lehce opotřebena, dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech G…
Current price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
J. Swift: Gulliverovy cesty
No.: 25Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
kniha, originální autorova kresba s věnováním a podpisem na předtitulu, il. C. Bouda, vyd. SNDK, Praha, 1953, pův. clpl. vazba s papírovou obálkou, 340s., velmi dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic…
Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
K. H. Borovský: Tyrolské elegie v rozmluvách s měsíčkem
No.: 32Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, dřevoryt ve frontispisu, 2x celostr. dřevoryt a viněta C. Bouda, vyd. Josef Hladký, Hranice, 1931, ex: 50/160, podpis a věnování M. Mrkvičkové-Hlobilové Josef Hladký, podpis C. Bouda, pův. brož, 25s., dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabin…
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**2 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
K poctě zbraň praporu
No.: 49Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 19 x 12 cm, 5x sign. čtyřbarev. litografie C. Bouda, volné listy v obálce, výborný stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID6**2 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Milá sedmi loupežníků
No.: 48Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 3x orig. sign. lept, úprava a vazba C. Bouda, podpis v titulu Viktor Dyk, tisk M. Pegrassi, vazba Ant. Tvrdý, vydal Fr. Topič, Praha 1927, pergamen. vazba se zlac. tiskem, 48s., ex. 187/500, ruční papír Van Gelder, velmi dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. K…
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID6**0 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
J. Rašín: O knihách a lidech
No.: 45Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, dřevoryt ve frontispisu a úprava C. Bouda, podpis autora na patitulu, přednášku autor proslovil z funce předsedy Spolku českých bibliofilů na jeho členské schůzi 8.1.1929, tisk Kryl a scotti, vazba A. Tvrdý, vydal JAr. Rašín vlastním nákladem, Praha 1929, ruční papír chamois antik, pol…
Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**6 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Viktor Dyk: Giuseppe Moro
No.: 44Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 3x lept, úprava, návrh vazby a podpis v tiráži C. Bouda, podpis v tiráži V. Dyk, lepty tisk K. Sommer, vazba A. Tvrdý, vydal Fr. Topič, Praha 1930, Ex. 202/561, ruční papír Holland, pergamen. vazba se zlacenou reliéfní ražbou na desce, velmi dobrý stav, horní hřbet nepatrně opotřebený, …
Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**7 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
K. Leger: Balada o mrtvém ševci a mladé tanečnici
No.: 39Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 5x mědiryt, úprava a podpis s věnováním Fr. Koblihovi C. Bouda, doslov Arne Novák, vydal Josef Zach, Kolín 1934, brož s ob., 20s., papír Holland, velmi dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Gra…
Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
Josef Kopta: Kratochvílné děje z naší vlasti
No.: 38Auction price: 250 CZK (11 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
kniha, podpis na patitulu a ilustrace C. Bouda, vydalo Svobodné slovo - Melantrich, Praha 1957, 453 s., clpl. vazba s obálkou, při okrajích obálka lehce zašpiněná a potrhaná, dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of…
Current price: 250 CZK (11 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
Prosté motivy
No.: 29Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
4x mědiryt, 4x sign. mědiryt C. Bouda, ilustrace ke kniha J. Nerudy Prosté motivy, 4x volný grafický list, výborný stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
Korespondence s Dr. Ivanem Hrdinou
No.: 385Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
dopis, pohlednice, 8x rukopisné psaní Dr. Ivanovi Hrdinovi, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
Last auctioneer: ID1**1 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
Don Giovanni
No.: 35Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
bibliofilie, 10x sign. mědirytina C. Bouda, vyd. Supraphon, Praha, 1976, ex. 98/200 na ručním papíře z Velkých Losin, úv. pozn. J. Tomeš, volné listy v pův. clkž. pouzdře, zažloutlé okraje listů, jinak velmi dobrý stav, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of…
Current price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)
Last auctioneer: ID7**2 History of bids
Cyril Bouda
No.: 34Auction price: 6.600 CZK (275 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
kamenorytina kolorovaná litografií, 32 x 42,5 cm, sign. PD Cyril Bouda, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 6.600 CZK (275 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
České Budějovice
No.: 33Auction price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 24. 11. 2022 15:00
lept, 23 x 39,5 cm, sign. PD C. Bouda, č. 179/200, při okrajích místy mírně pokrčený papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)
Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED
Cyril Bouda
Letohradek Hvězda
No.: 198Auction price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 05. 10. 2022 18:17
lithography, 33,8 x 24 cm, sign. lower/right C Bouda, passe-partou, no. 167/200, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda
Current price: 2.000 CZK (84 €)
Last auctioneer: ID4**2 History of bids