Ilja Hartinger
Motiv kultury
No.: 274479Auction price: 400 CZK (17 €)
AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 26. 07. 2023 22:30
linoryt, 1975, 23,6 x 45 cm, sign. PD Hartinger 75, č. 71/200, pravý a levý okraj papíru pokrčený, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the disciple of prof. K. Langer at The School of Artistic Crafts in Brno, prof. A. Strnadel and J. Bauch at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Current price: 400 CZK (17 €)
Last auctioneer: ID3**7 History of bids