Alois Nožička



  • Alois Nožička


    Marks of the Cemetery

    No.: 375

    Auction price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)

    Termination of first bid: 26. 09. 2024 15:00

    fotografie, 1982, 30,5 x 22,6 cm, sign. vzadu Nožička 1982, rám, studied at The Secondary School of Arts in Brno, The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague

    Current price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Alois Nožička


    Setrvalé věnčení

    No.: 376

    Auction price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)

    Termination of first bid: 26. 09. 2024 15:00

    fotografie, 1963, 29,7 x 21,8 cm, sign. vzadu Nožička 1963, rám, studied at The Secondary School of Arts in Brno, The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague

    Current price: 4.500 CZK (188 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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