auction history

  • Neurčený autor


    No.: 1268

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:12

    kvaš, pastel, ruční papír, 24,5 x 35 cm, rám, zašlý rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • Neurčený autor

    Jezero u lesa

    No.: 1271

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:11

    olej, plátno, 31 x 41 cm, sign. PD nečitelně, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**9 History of bids

  • Neurčený autor


    No.: 1274

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:10

    olej, deska, 1919, 21 x 26 cm, sign. PD Magda 1919., rám, zezadu polité, pokroucená deska, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 101 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**8 History of bids

  • Břetislav Menčík


    Portrét ženy

    No.: 1272

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:09

    pastel, uhel, karton, 38,5 x 29 cm, sign. PD B. Menčík, rám, na dolní straně papír mírně zašpiněn, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 202 CZK (9 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID4**2 History of bids

  • Josef Matějka


    Pohled na les

    No.: 1327

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:08

    akvarel, papír, 1948, 29 x 41,5 cm, rám, na rámu oděrky, Radhošťská,

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID8**0 History of bids

  • Kryštof


    No.: 1249

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:07

    pastel, papír, 1976, 27 x 47 cm, sign. LD Kryštof 76, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • Jarolímek

    Stavení u potoka

    No.: 1254

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:06

    olej, karton, 26,5 x 37 cm, sign. PD jarolímek, rám, zašpiněná malba, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • Alois Jalovecký

    Lesní potok

    No.: 1264

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:05

    olej, karton, 24,5 x 35 cm, sign. PD Al. Jalovecký, mírně zašpiněná malba, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**9 History of bids

  • L. Hrnčíř


    No.: 1265

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:04

    olej, sololit, 1969, 40 x 50 cm, sign. PD L. Hrnčíř 1969, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • Jaroslav Holeček



    No.: 1253

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:03

    akvarel, papír, 50 x 66 cm, sign. PD Jar. Holeček, rám, mírně zažloutlý papír, rám poškozen, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • Dvořák


    Na náměstí

    No.: 1234

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:02

    tempera, dřevo, 1969, 20 x 29 cm, sign. PD, rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 101 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**8 History of bids

  • Ad. Dolniczek

    Josef Dobrovský

    No.: 1256

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:01

    uhel, papír, 1906, 37,5 x 28 cm, sign. PD Ad. Dolniczek 06, rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID8**0 History of bids

  • Karel Bělohradský



    No.: 1251

    Auction price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 28. 03. 2023 10:00

    tužka, papír, 1946, 37,5 x 22 cm, sign. LD K. Bělohradský Praha 26 VIII 46, rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1 CZK (1 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**1 History of bids

  • František Hodonský


    Stepní květy

    No.: 19733

    Auction price: 75.000 CZK (3.125 €)

    02. 06. 2022 18:06

    akryl, plátno, 2013, 100 x 80 cm, sign. DU HODONSKÝ , the disciple of prof. V. Hroch at The Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherske Hradiste and F. Jiroudek at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Umelecka beseda and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 75.000 CZK (3.125 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID3**2 History of bids

  • Josef Sudek


    Park na Kampě

    No.: 19700

    Auction price: 38.000 CZK (1.584 €)

    26. 05. 2021 16:27

    fotografie, 12 x 17,2 cm, sign. DU Sudek , LD značeno H-I, PD značeno 7/R, Radhošťská, , studied at The State Graphic School in Prague at the atelier of K. Novak, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artists, constituent member of Fotoklub Praha and The Czech Photographic Corporatio…

    Current price: 38.000 CZK (1.584 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID8**1 History of bids

  • Jan Bauch



    No.: 19692

    Auction price: 6.000 CZK (250 €)

    28. 11. 2020 22:21

    uhel, papír, 48 x 20,5 cm, sign. PD Jan Bauch, rám, zažloutlý papír, na papíře skvrny, the disciple prof. E. Dite and V. H. Brunner at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, prof. M. Svabinsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Umelecka beseda and The Manes Associa…

    Current price: 6.000 CZK (250 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**8 History of bids

  • Igor Grimmich



    No.: 19709

    Auction price: 10.000 CZK (417 €)

    16. 10. 2020 15:54

    akryl, sololit, 2008, 20 x 23,5 cm, sign. zezadu IGOR GRIMMICH, rám, the disciple of M. Rittstein at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

    Current price: 10.000 CZK (417 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID2**9 History of bids

  • Dan Trantina



    No.: 19657

    Auction price: 14.500 CZK (605 €)

    15. 06. 2020 21:23

    akryl, plátno, 111 x 90 cm, levý horní roh protržený, the disciple of prof. Naceradsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

    Current price: 14.500 CZK (605 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**6 History of bids

  • Karel Valter



    No.: 19667

    Auction price: 48.000 CZK (2.000 €)

    25. 06. 2019 14:20

    olej, sololit, 1992, 30,5 x 39,5 cm, sign. PD Valter 92, rám, tento umělecky nekonvenční malíř se prosadil také jako grafik a fotograf. Po druhé světové válce se jeho hlavním tématem stala krajina, příroda. Na tvorbě z tohoto období je dodnes oceňováno jeho nesmírně originální vidění světa, které do…

    Current price: 48.000 CZK (2.000 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID5**5 History of bids

  • Jan Švankmajer


    Pensijní reforma

    No.: 19637

    Auction price: 45.000 CZK (1.875 €)

    04. 03. 2019 18:46

    kombinovaná technika, asambláž, tuš, kvaš, 2018, 55 x 85 cm, sign. PD Švankmajer J. 2018, rám, studied at The Tertiary School of Applied Arts in Prague, the disciple of prof. R. Lander at The Depatment of Puppetry at The Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, member of The Surr…

    Current price: 45.000 CZK (1.875 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**3 History of bids

  • Karel Chaba


    Maltese Square

    No.: 19650

    Auction price: 85.000 CZK (3.542 €)

    12. 01. 2019 20:40

    oil on canvas, 2005, 75 x 60 cm, sign. lower/right Chaba, framed, the private study

    Current price: 85.000 CZK (3.542 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**8 History of bids

  • Marc Chagall



    No.: 19520

    Auction price: 9.000 CZK (375 €)

    01. 01. 2017 09:24

    lithography, 1960, 32,5 x 25 cm, frame

    Current price: 10.000 CZK (417 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID5**2 History of bids

  • Ladislav Zívr



    No.: 19418

    Auction price: 15.000 CZK (625 €)

    22. 12. 2016 23:44

    ink, aquarelle, paper, 1979, 45,5 x 33 cm, sign. RD Zívr 1979, frame, the member of Skupina 42

    Current price: 15.000 CZK (625 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids

  • Zdeněk Sklenář



    No.: 19190

    Auction price: 25.000 CZK (1.042 €)

    18. 12. 2016 00:22

    pencil, crayon, paper, 1945, 17,7 x 18,4 cm, sign. RD Zd. Sklenář 45, the disciple of prof. A. Hofbauer and Z. Kratochvil at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, The Manes Association of Fine Artists, the group Balance, Li…

    Current price: 25.000 CZK (1.042 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids

  • Zdeněk Sklenář



    No.: 19189

    Auction price: 7.900 CZK (330 €)

    18. 12. 2016 00:15

    frottage, 20,9 x 27 cm, DU monogr. SK, at the edges damaged paper, the disciple of prof. A. Hofbauer and Z. Kratochvil at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, The Manes Association of Fine Artists, the group Balance, Litog…

    Current price: 7.900 CZK (330 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID7**9 History of bids

  • Karel Svolinský


    Girl with rose

    No.: 19185

    Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    01. 05. 2015 13:52

    lithography, 28 x 20 cm, sign. RD KSvolinský, No. 127/200, the disciple of prof. S. Zalesak, B. Kafka and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member and honorary member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artist…

    Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID1**4 History of bids

  • Josef Velčovský


    Armchair on a beach

    No.: 19135

    Auction price: 1.900 CZK (80 €)

    01. 05. 2015 13:40

    lithography, 24,5 x 34 cm, sign. RD J. Velčovský, author print, studied at The Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherske Hradiste, the disciple of prof. K. Soucek at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, prof. S. W. Heyter at The Atelieru 13 in Paris, member of UVU, The National Geographic Society

    Current price: 1.900 CZK (80 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID1**4 History of bids

  • Lukáš Orlita


    Yellow Escher

    No.: 17200

    Auction price: 2.600 CZK (109 €)

    30. 04. 2015 00:49

    wax, tempera, paper, 2007, 42 x 29,5 cm, sign. RD Orlita 07, frame, described at the back, the disciple of prof. J. Naceradsky at The University of Technology in Brno

    Current price: 2.600 CZK (109 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID2**4 History of bids

  • Jaroslav Bartoš


    Figures III

    No.: 4307

    Auction price: 3.550 CZK (148 €)

    25. 02. 2015 22:40

    seriography, 1985, 28 x 49,5 cm, signed RD J. Bartoš 85, No. 7/10, studied at The Secondary School of Sculpture and Masonry in Horovice, the disciple of prof. K. Pokorny at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of the group Tolerance 95

    Current price: 3.550 CZK (148 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID4**8 History of bids

  • Jaroslav Bartoš

    Figures V

    No.: 4198

    Auction price: 3.550 CZK (148 €)

    25. 02. 2015 22:40

    seriography, 1993, 60 x 50 cm, signed DM J. Bartoš 1993, no. 2/13

    Current price: 3.550 CZK (148 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID4**8 History of bids



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