• Zdeněk Veselý



    No.: 257773

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 10. 10. 2024 18:33

    lept, 18,3 x 13 cm, sign. PD ZdeněkVeselý, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, studied at The Secondary Technical School of Ceramics in Teplice, the disciple of prof. M. Holy, K. Hladik, B. Slansky and at the graphic atelier of prof. V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hol…

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Gustav Maran


    Stará Praha - Dvorek na Ovocném trhu č. 5

    No.: 257758

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 07. 10. 2024 18:43

    lept, 19,6 x 18,8 cm, sign. PD Maran, bývalá část univerzity, zažloutlý papír, v levé části na papíře vodní skvrna, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Milan Entler


    Pražské náměstí se studnou

    No.: 235177

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 07. 10. 2024 18:37

    litografie, 15,3 x 14,5 cm, sign. PD Milan Entler, autorský tisk, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Čapek

    Pražské Jezulátko

    No.: 124649

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 07. 10. 2024 18:36

    lithograph, 1993, 18,1 x 12,2 cm, signed RD Čapek 93, author's print, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Němec


    Rábí od severu

    No.: 124288

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 07. 10. 2024 18:46

    etching, 1924/1989, 16x 19,6 cm, later print from the original plate, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Josef Herčík


    Výstava poštovních známek Praha 75

    No.: 282393

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 26. 09. 2024 18:30

    ocelorytina, 1975, 8,6 x 7,4 cm, sign. DU JHerčík, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of V. Pukl at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jan Konůpek


    Exlibris Vilém Šmidt

    No.: 282384

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 26. 09. 2024 18:24

    zinkografie, 1941, 15 x 9 cm, LD značek K, Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní, the disciple of prof. Koula and Schultz, Bukovac and Pirner

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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