Jiří Slíva



  • Jiří Slíva


    Bio velo

    No.: 31

    Auction price: 1.800 CZK (75 €)

    Planned termination: 02. 10. 2024 18:30

    litografie, 13 x 15,2 cm, sign. DU Jiří Slíva , č. 43/55, the private study, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 1.800 CZK (75 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jiří Slíva



    No.: 33

    Auction price: 4.300 CZK (180 €)

    Planned termination: 02. 10. 2024 18:32

    litografie, 2020, 24 x 43 cm, sign. LD Jiří Slíva, A. T. VII/XXX, the private study, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 4.300 CZK (180 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**2 History of bids

  • Jiří Slíva



    No.: 36

    Auction price: 3.700 CZK (155 €)

    Planned termination: 02. 10. 2024 18:35

    litografie, 18 x 30,5 cm, sign. PD Jiří Slíva, č. 2/50, the private study, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 3.700 CZK (155 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**2 History of bids

  • Jiří Slíva



    No.: 37

    Auction price: 3.000 CZK (125 €)

    Planned termination: 02. 10. 2024 18:36

    litografie, 20,4 x 27,4 cm, sign. PD Jiří Slíva, č. 3/50, the private study, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 3.000 CZK (125 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**2 History of bids



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