Josef Vaic



  • Josef Vaic


    Vysoké Tatry - Javorina

    No.: 906

    Auction price: 1.100 CZK (46 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:43

    lept, 1927, 24,5 x 26,5 cm, sign. PD, Radhošťská, , studied at the atelier of prof. Neuhaus in Amsterdam, Israels in Haag and in Paris

    Current price: 1.100 CZK (46 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Josef Vaic


    Pohled na Pražský Hrad

    No.: 907

    Auction price: 1.100 CZK (46 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:44

    měkký krýt, 30,3 x 25,5 cm, sign. PD Josef Vaic, v místě původní pasparty mírně zažloutlý papír, Radhošťská, , studied at the atelier of prof. Neuhaus in Amsterdam, Israels in Haag and in Paris

    Current price: 1.100 CZK (46 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Josef Vaic


    Zurich See

    No.: 908

    Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:45

    litografie, 33,5 x 22,5 cm, sign. PD, zašlý a lehce pokrčený papír, v horním pravém rohu papír odřený, Radhošťská, , studied at the atelier of prof. Neuhaus in Amsterdam, Israels in Haag and in Paris

    Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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