Jaroslav Válek



  • Jaroslav Válek



    No.: 909

    Auction price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:46

    slepotisk, 2003, 41 x 29,5 cm, sign. PD J. Válek 03, a.t., na levém okraji papíru čára po tužce, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the member of The Association of Art Smiths ABANA in the USA

    Current price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jaroslav Válek



    No.: 910

    Auction price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:47

    monotyp, 2003, 44 x 33,5 cm, sign. PD J. Válek 03, č. 1/1, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the member of The Association of Art Smiths ABANA in the USA

    Current price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jaroslav Válek



    No.: 911

    Auction price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Planned termination: 27. 09. 2024 17:48

    monotyp, 2002, 34 x 44 cm, sign. PD J. Válek 2002, č. 1/1, mírně ohmataný papír, Aantiqari.at Radhošťská, , the member of The Association of Art Smiths ABANA in the USA

    Current price: 950 CZK (40 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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