On-line auction



  • Ladislav Josef Kašpar



    No.: 257083

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:28

    litografie, 21,3 x 16 cm, sign. PD L. J. Kašpar, 5/100, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. J. Konupek at The Stae Graphic School in Prague, prof. J. Benda at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, prof V. Nechleba at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of…

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: ID6**5 History of bids

  • Milada Kazdová


    Pohled na Mnichovice

    No.: 199258

    Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:29

    litografie, 32 x 41,5 cm, sign. PD M. Kazdová, autorský tisk, při okrajích mimo tisk mírně zašpiněný a pokrčený papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, studied the preparation course at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, the disciple of J. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. T. F. S…

    Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jan Kejklíř


    Zámecké schody

    No.: 189333

    Auction price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:30

    litografie, 1984, 43 x 32 cm, sign. PD Jan Kejklíř, zkušební tisk, při okrajích mimo tisk mírně pokrčený papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. J. Loukota at The Secondary Technical School of Graphics in Prague

    Current price: 150 CZK (7 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Emil Kotrba


    Portrét muže

    No.: 113379

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:31

    litografie, 1944, 30 x 20,5 cm, sign. PD Emil Kotrba 1944, 42/48, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. P. Dillinger and T. F. Simon, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • František Králík



    No.: 259828

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:32

    kolorovaný lept, 1992, 19,5 x 12,5 cm, sign. PD králík 92, rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • František Králík


    Lesní duchové

    No.: 179320

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:33

    etching, 1980, 19 x 15,7 cm, signed RD Králík, author's print, paper slightly dirty and creased near margins out of the printing area, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • František Králík


    Stromový duch

    No.: 179319

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:34

    etching, 1979, 10,8 x 7,9 cm, signed RD Králík 1979, author's print, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jaroslav Krcal


    Pražský hrad

    No.: 212845

    Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:35

    litografie, 40,6 x 33,8 cm, sign. PD Krcal, autorský tisk, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jaroslav Krcal


    Květiny ve váze

    No.: 189609

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:36

    kombinovaná technika, papír, 39,7 x 29,6 cm, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jaroslava Kubičková

    Vodní příšera

    No.: 201491

    Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:37

    suchá jehla, 1993, 21 x 12 cm, sign. PD Kub 93, 1/10, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Zbyněk Kučera


    Cesta v poli

    No.: 193641

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:38

    lithography, 1987, 28 x 40 cm, sign. RD Zbyněk Kučera 1987

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Josef Lada



    No.: 274072

    Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:39

    reprodukce, 36 x 55 cm, značeno v tisku LD Jos. Lada 37, rám, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the member of The Manes Association of Fine Artists and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Mahrla


    Chrám sv. Ducha a Bílá věž v Hradci Králové

    No.: 283626

    Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:40

    litografie , 1970, 42,5 x 64,5 cm, sign. PD Mahrla 1970, rám, č. 135/200, rám mírně zašpiněn, drobné oděrky, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Jan Mácha


    Národní divadlo

    No.: 228562

    Auction price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:41

    litografie, 47 x 34 cm, sign. DU Mácha J., mírně pokrčený papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. Nachtigal at The State Graphic School in Prague and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

    Current price: 200 CZK (9 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Václav Mašek


    Nábřeží bukinistů v Paříži

    No.: 281813

    Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:42

    litografie, 1927, 26,8 x 37,5 cm, sign. PD Mašek V., rám, mírně zažloutlý papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, studied at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Müller


    Na vsi

    No.: 139909

    Auction price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:43

    lithograph, 22,2 x 31,3 cm, signed RD Karel Müller, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. M. Svabinsky, V. Bukovac and J. Obrovsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 100 CZK (5 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Arno Nauman



    No.: 161983

    Auction price: 400 CZK (17 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:44

    litography, 29 x 25 cm, sign. RD Arno Nauman, the disciple of prof. M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 400 CZK (17 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Fritz Naumann?

    Německý ovčák

    No.: 283627

    Auction price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:45

    suchá jehla, 34 x 25,7 cm, sign. PD Fritz Naumann, rám, na zadní straně popsáno, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 500 CZK (21 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Neurčený autor

    Dvojí tvář

    No.: 283615

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:46

    monotyp, 30,5 x 22,5 cm, sign. PD nečitelně, rám, autorský tisk, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Neurčený autor

    Bamako 18.2.62

    No.: 283614

    Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:47

    litografie, 1962, 35 x 42 cm, sign. LD, rám, mírně zažloutlý papír, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Neznámý autor

    Dívka a ptačí hnízdo

    No.: 169286

    Auction price: 250 CZK (11 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:49

    linoryt, 46,7 x 32,5 cm, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 250 CZK (11 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor


    Ptačí stvoření

    No.: 266411

    Auction price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:50

    fixa, papír, 1971, 57,6 x 46,4 cm, sign. DU K. Oberthor 71, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor



    No.: 261900

    Auction price: 700 CZK (30 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:51

    monotyp, 1957, 37,2 x 28,1 cm, sign. PD K. Oberthor, dobrý stav, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 700 CZK (30 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor


    Na pile

    No.: 186713

    Auction price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:52

    litografie, 1966, 30,4 x 53,7 cm, sign. DU K. Oberthor 66, 62/70, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 600 CZK (25 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor


    První sníh na Šumavě

    No.: 186355

    Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:53

    lithography, 1984, 32 x 43 cm, sign. RD K. Oberthor 84, 25/110, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

    Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Karel Oberthor



    No.: 185675

    Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:54

    monotype, 1958, 45,5 x 36,6 cm, signed DM K. Oberthor 58., paper slightly dirty, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná, the disciple of prof. I. Kulec at The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts, prof. V. Pukl and V. Silovsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Grap…

    Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Pico

    Muž, slon a ryba

    No.: 250429

    Auction price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:55

    linoryt, ruční papír, 1971, 28 x 33,5 cm, sign. PD Pico, LD popsáno autorem: Berlin 1971, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1.000 CZK (42 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Pico


    No.: 250428

    Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:56

    linoryt, ruční papír, 57,5 x 40 cm, sign. PD Pico, LD popsáno autorem: Berlin, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Pico

    Člověk a zvířátka

    No.: 250427

    Auction price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:57

    linoryt, ruční papír, 41 x 45 cm, sign. PD Pico, LD popsáno autorem: Berlin, Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

    Current price: 1.500 CZK (63 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED

  • Ivan Strnad


    Dívka s maskou

    No.: 234426

    Auction price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Planned termination: 01. 01. 2025 10:58

    suchá jehla, 1964, 32,7 x 24,4 cm, sign. PD Ivan Strnad 64, 43015, the disciple of prof. A. Strnadel at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and the group Grafis

    Current price: 800 CZK (34 €)

    Last auctioneer: NOT AUCTIONED



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